ِ A group of young women completed training and business coaching on micro-entrepreneurship in Akkar

The entrepreneurship journey is full of challenges, but the team is willing to go forward to succeed with the support of dedicated business coaches.

The women economic empowerment program is implemented by LCCE in Akkar with the support of Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF) in coordination with the unions of municipalities of Middle Dreib. Akkar-North, Al-joume, Al-Chafat, and plain of Akkar.

Here are the stories of some young women who participated in the program:

- Marianne Nehme has developed skills to launch her own professional project "Maro's delights" in the field of pastry in the region of Bazbina in Akkar. " The program allowed me to get self-confidence and to develop a professional branding and social media presence. " I am now receiving pastry orders and growing my customer base", said Marianne.

- Amal Ezzedine Othman is 28 years old and was born in Klayaat, Sahel Akkar.
"I received training on food processing organized by the Lebanese Center for Civic Education and thus developed my work in a way that respects food safety" explained Amal. She continued "I received online training after receiving raw materials and equipment, and also developed a logo for natural products. We learned how to do social media marketing on Instagram and Facebook".
This program empowered Amal to start revenue generating activity "Currently, I try to help my family to provide for our needs. I'm counting on you to follow my Instagram page! (Four seasons by amal)."

The program aims to spread a culture of women participation in the socio-economic life in Akkar. 5 local referents in each of the union of municipalities are
providing support of the graduates from the program in order to feel less isolated and get visibility on available opportunities present at communities levels to grow their businesses.

Besides the project launched the life skills platform " Imkaniyat" that represent a platform to share "life skills" capacity building content , and reliable information including women health awareness.
